Third Year
University Project

This project centred on transforming the renowned department store “Graveson” in Hertford by reimagining its physical space and creating a fresh visual identity. The redesigned space is catering to accommodate a diverse range of users, including craftspeople, independent merchants, artists, workshop attendees, tourists, and local organizations. The brand pulls a lot of inspiration from the building’s history, even with this drastic makeover.

With contemporary features like sharp cuts evoking the Sewing Patterns, the logotype draws inspiration from the 19th-century Chiswick Grotesque font while also paying homage to the store’s long history of selling fabrics and providing tailoring services. In a modern, minimalistic manner, the design also incorporates elements of the building’s architectural embellishments. Graveson’s founding years and origins are honoured through the use of Charterous and Violet in the colour palette.

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